Welcome/Opening Comments

A few simple words about “Family/Community”

A little magic

A Story

Charge to the Family/Congregation

Do you stand here today to surround this family and this child  with your love and encouragement?

Response:   “We do”

To the Grand/God parents

“The meaning of a Mentor”

Will you stand by  (name of parents) to strengthen and nurture them in their parental commitment.

Will you support them with love and kind words and be a source of encouragement.

Will you love this child unconditionally as God loves and grants you the grace and wisdom.

Response:   “We Will””

Charge to the Parents

Will you provide an environment where (name of child) can feel safe and know love,

where he/she can grow in the knowledge of God’s love and presence in his/her life.

Will you help him/her to explore his/her potential and all the good that is within.

Will you challenge him/her to invest that good into his/her world as God grants the strength?

Response: “We will”

The Reading

“A Prayer for the Child”

A family member/friend should read this

Presentation of Child

Prayer of Dedication

Closing Comments

Parenting 101 – 2 great questions!

A bit of history - On the day you  were born




“Thanks for meeting with our family at the Chapel. Even though it was a formal venue you kept it lighthearted and yet meaningful. Can’t wait to show Nathan the video when he is grown. Maybe you’ll perform his wedding one day!

What a neat thought! “